This bundle includes Redeeming Childbirth: Experiencing His Presence in Pregnancy, Labor, Birth, & Beyond, the book, plus the Growth & Study Guide!
One of the greatest struggles of the Christian life is to surrender all to God. As women, one season of life we are tempted to compartmentalize God out of is pregnancy and birth. Even worse is how extra-biblical and new-age dogma has infiltrated the birthing industry and left Christian women feeling pressured to do things they feel uncomfortable with, or even worse, they are unknowingly influenced by it and led astray.
Pregnancy and childbirth were God's idea. He gave each of us women a gift and a privilege when He gave us the ability to procreate. He gave us the special honor, along with our husband, to partner with Him in creation. But that is not the only gift He gave us in this season full of experience. He wants to walk with each of us through every aspect of this season! Pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and postpartum ALL have the opportunity to be our spiritual boot camp with God, preparing us for a journey of motherhood.
The mission of Redeeming Childbirth is to encourage and equip women with tools to engage the journey of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth with confidence in the Lord so that we might birth differently than the world, thus being a light unto it.
The goal is NOT to convince women to choose the same method of birthing, but rather to encourage women to engage whatever circumstances {good or bad}, trials, or experiences the Lord allows intentionally seeking His wisdom, counsel, and care through the spiritual disciplines of study, meditation, prayer, praise, and worship.
This is NOT an ordinary book on pregnancy and birth. It has been written as a discipleship tool to talk to women about WHO God is in light of the specific struggles women in this season of life face. Every chapter engages topics from a purely Biblical perspective and discusses issues like fear, pain, sanctification, emergencies, bed-rest, morning sickness, marriage, intimacy, judgmentalism from other women, making an idol out of natural birth or doctors and so much more.
The purpose of Redeeming Childbirth is to motivate and inspire Christian women to incorporate the Lord in the birthing process. The outcome of every birth may be similar in every woman’s story–a baby in your arms, but the difference in a redeemed childbirth is seen in the mind, heart, and soul of the woman afterward. When a woman can look back on this season in her life and see God’s footprints, recognize His purposes, and recount all He taught her, then she has truly experienced His presence in Childbirth.

Great Book
I haven’t finished the book yet but I really love it so far!

I’m so happy to have finally found a Christian, introspective, Pregnancy and Birth book! I will definitely recommend this to Birth clients as well!